
Concrete Insights | September 17, 2024

Why Volumetric Mixers Are a Game-Changer for Hydrovac Companies in the USA and Canada

Hydrovac companies across the USA and Canada play a crucial role in safely and efficiently excavating around sensitive underground utilities and infrastructure. While hydrovac trucks excel at digging, they often face significant challenges during the backfilling phase. Sourcing the right backfill materials, particularly concrete, can be time-consuming, expensive, and prone to delays. This is where volumetric mixers become a game-changer.

By adding a volumetric mixer to their fleet, hydrovac companies can streamline operations, reduce costs, and open up new revenue streams. This blog explores the numerous reasons why volumetric mixers are a valuable addition to hydrovac companies and how they can elevate business performance.

What Is a Volumetric Mixer?

Before diving into the benefits for hydrovac companies, it’s essential to understand what a volumetric mixer is and how it works. A volumetric mixer is essentially a mobile batching plant mounted on a truck or trailer. Unlike traditional drum mixers that carry pre-mixed concrete, volumetric mixers store the raw materials—such as sand, stone, cement, water, and additives—separately and mix them on-site. This allows for control over the mix’s consistency, quantity, and timing, making it ideal for projects that require flexibility.

Why Volumetric Mixers Are Ideal for Hydrovac Companies

1. On-Demand Concrete Production

One of the biggest challenges hydrovac companies face is sourcing ready-mix concrete promptly for backfilling. When relying on an external supplier, you’re at the mercy of their schedule, leading to delays and potential overages. With a volumetric mixer, hydrovac companies can produce concrete on-site as needed. This flexibility ensures that backfill operations are not stalled, speeding up project timelines and allowing companies to take on more jobs.

2. Reduce Waste and Save Money

Traditional concrete ordering often results in over-ordering to avoid running short, which leads to wasted material and higher costs. With a volumetric mixer, you control how much concrete you produce. This precise control eliminates waste and ensures that every dollar spent on materials is directly related to the job. Leftover raw materials can also be stored for future use, making the investment even more cost-effective.

3. Versatility in Mix Design

Hydrovac companies deal with diverse excavation projects requiring different backfill materials. For example, one job might call for standard concrete, while another might need a specialized flowable fill. Volumetric mixers allow you to customize concrete mixes on the spot, adjusting the mix design to meet each project’s specific needs. This versatility not only improves the quality of your work but also opens the door to additional revenue streams by allowing you to take on a wider variety of jobs.

4. Consistent Quality Control

Quality control is paramount when backfilling excavated sites, especially around sensitive infrastructure. Volumetric mixers ensure that the concrete mix is consistent and meets the required standards for each job. This consistency leads to better backfill performance, reducing the risk of settlement or structural issues. It also instills confidence in your clients, knowing they are getting a high-quality product every time.

5. Reduced Equipment Costs

Investing in a volumetric mixer can reduce your reliance on external suppliers, cutting down on transportation costs and idle time while waiting for concrete deliveries. The all-in-one functionality of a volumetric mixer also means you can streamline your equipment fleet. Some models even produce different materials, such as slurry or flowable fill, reducing the need for additional equipment and storage.

How Volumetric Mixers Add Value to Hydrovac Businesses

1. Increased Profit Margins

By producing concrete on demand, hydrovac companies can significantly reduce third-party supplier costs, increasing overall profit margins. Owning a volumetric mixer also provides the opportunity to sell excess concrete to other contractors or construction companies, creating an additional revenue stream. In a competitive market, offering reliable and immediate backfill solutions can set your company apart, allowing you to command premium prices for your services.

2. Fast and Efficient Backfilling

Time is money in the excavation business. Traditional concrete supply chains can be sluggish, resulting in project delays and potentially unhappy clients. With a volumetric mixer, hydrovac companies can streamline the backfill process, moving seamlessly from excavation to backfilling without downtime. This improved efficiency means you can complete more jobs in a shorter timeframe, boosting your company’s productivity and revenue potential.

3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Being able to provide a complete excavation-to-backfill solution gives hydrovac companies a significant edge in the market. Clients appreciate the convenience and speed of on-site concrete production, leading to higher satisfaction and repeat business. Additionally, the ability to offer custom mix designs tailored to specific job requirements positions your company as a versatile and reliable partner in construction projects.

4. New Business Opportunities

Volumetric mixers open up new possibilities for hydrovac companies to expand their services. You can use your mixer for various applications beyond backfilling, such as pouring foundations, driveways, and sidewalks. This diversification can attract new clients and enable you to bid on larger, more varied projects, increasing your market reach and revenue potential.

A Day in the Life: Hydrovac Owner With a Volumetric Mixer

Picture this: You’ve just completed a complex excavation project for a local utility company. As the owner of a hydrovac business, you know that the work doesn’t end when the dirt is removed. Now, you need to backfill the site to meet the client’s requirements. In the past, this stage of the job would involve ordering concrete from a supplier, dealing with scheduling delays, and potentially facing extra costs from overages.

But today is different. You have your ProAll volumetric mixer ready to go. No more calling around for a concrete delivery or worrying about ordering too much or too little. You simply drive your mixer to the site, adjust the settings to produce the exact mix you need, and start pouring concrete directly into the excavation. The backfilling process moves seamlessly, and your team efficiently fills the site without delay.

By the end of the day, you’ve not only completed the job ahead of schedule but also minimized waste and maximized your profits. The client is impressed with the speed and quality of your work, and you’re already planning to take on another project tomorrow.

Now, imagine replicating this streamlined, profitable process for every job you take on. With a volumetric mixer in your arsenal, you’ve transformed your hydrovac business into a one-stop solution for excavation and backfill, setting yourself up for increased revenue and a competitive edge in the market.

A Day in the Life: Hydrovac Owner Without a Volumetric Mixer

Now, let’s imagine the alternative scenario. You’ve just finished an excavation job for a major client, and it’s time to backfill the site. In the absence of a volumetric mixer, your next step is to contact a concrete supplier.

You make the call, but they’re already booked solid for the day. The earliest they can deliver is tomorrow afternoon, meaning your team has to wait idly at the site. Your equipment sits unused, racking up costs with every passing hour. Meanwhile, your client grows frustrated as the project faces delays.

The next day, the supplier finally arrives with the concrete. You ordered a bit extra just in case, but now you realize it’s more than you need. With no way to save the excess mix, you watch as the remaining concrete goes to waste, adding to your project’s expenses.

As you pour the concrete, you notice the consistency isn’t quite right. Since it was mixed at the supplier’s plant miles away, you have no control over the quality and can only hope it meets the project requirements. By the time you finish, the job has taken longer than expected, cost more than budgeted, and left your client less than thrilled.

This scenario highlights the challenges that hydrovac companies often face without the flexibility and control offered by a volumetric mixer. Delays, wasted materials, inconsistent quality, and higher costs can quickly eat into profits and damage your reputation.

Choosing the Right Volumetric Mixer for Your Hydrovac Business

Selecting the right volumetric mixer for your business is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Capacity and Mobility: Choose a mixer with the right capacity for your typical project size. A truck-mounted mixer offers greater mobility and is ideal for sites with limited access, while a trailer-mounted unit may be more cost-effective for smaller operations.
  2. Mixing Options: Look for mixers that offer adjustable mix designs, allowing you to switch between different types of concrete and backfill materials. This flexibility is essential for hydrovac companies handling various excavation projects.
  3. Ease of Operation: A user-friendly mixer is key for efficient operations. ProAll’s mixers, for example, come with intuitive control systems, reducing the learning curve for operators and minimizing the risk of errors.
  4. Durability and Maintenance: Investing in a high-quality, durable mixer ensures longevity and reduces maintenance costs. Opt for mixers built with robust materials that can withstand the rigors of daily use in challenging environments.

Maximizing the ROI of Your Volumetric Mixer

After investing in a volumetric mixer, it’s essential to maximize its return on investment (ROI). Here are some tips:

  1. Train Your Team: Proper training ensures that your operators use the mixer efficiently and safely, improving job performance and extending equipment lifespan.
  2. Offer Additional Services: Market your new capabilities, highlighting the speed, flexibility, and quality control of on-site concrete production. Use your mixer to offer services like custom concrete mixes and small-scale pours to generate additional income.
  3. Perform Regular Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines to keep your mixer in optimal condition. Regular checks and servicing will prevent breakdowns and prolong the unit’s life, safeguarding your investment.


For hydrovac companies in the USA and Canada, investing in a volumetric mixer can be a game-changer. The ability to produce on-demand concrete with precise control over quality, quantity, and mix design brings a new level of efficiency to backfill operations. Not only does this investment reduce costs and waste, but it also creates new revenue streams and enhances customer satisfaction.

A volumetric mixer gives hydrovac companies the flexibility and independence needed to take on more projects, meet client demands, and maximize profits. By streamlining your operations, you position your business as a reliable, versatile service provider and a leader in the market.

Investing in a volumetric mixer is not just about improving your current operations; it’s about future-proofing your business. It’s a tool that provides immediate value and offers long-term benefits, helping you grow, diversify, and succeed in the ever-evolving hydrovac industry.

Elevate Your Hydrovac Business Today!

Ready to boost efficiency and increase profits? Discover how a ProAll volumetric mixer can transform your operations.