The construction industry has always been associated with casual work opportunities. It is one of those industries people join for a season or two, often without formal qualifications. However, becoming formally qualified to work with volumetric mixers will give your business and your team the edge over your competitors. Plus, your customers benefit, too. Here are some of the reasons why training works.
Figuring things out on the job or learning from colleagues play a big role in how knowledge is being transferred at the sharp end of the construction industry. Training new staff is a costly (and often frustrating) endeavor regardless of the business you are in, but the concrete industry stands out as one carrying a higher risk of catastrophic errors when new workers are not properly trained. Losses incurred from an improperly designed mix range from $5000 to $100,000+ and can significantly impact the success of the concrete business. In a world where concrete is used in so many different ways with so many different mix designs, relying on your new drivers to “learn on-the-fly” can cost your company big. By formally training all new employees, your company will significantly reduce the margin for error, create a safer working environment for employees while simultaneously serving your customers more efficiently.
This is where Concrete Business Solution’s volumetric concrete mixer training courses deliver: within two or three days, previously untrained mixer operators learn more about the equipment and its applications. With a deeper understanding of the mixer’s capabilities, they are able to operate it more efficiently, saving your business time and money.
It is true that modern mobile concrete mixers are designed to be easy to use. For example, ProAll’s Commander control system is set up in a way that allows almost any operator to hit the ground running. But to utilize the machine’s full potential, it is important to understand the finer details.
Training your team as professional volumetric concrete mixer operators helps you deliver better customer service. Your staff will arrive on-site confident in the knowledge that they have the skills and the expertise to deliver the job well.
Delivering better customer service starts long before your team arrives on-site. With formal training courses under your team’s belt, your business has a better chance of winning contracts through improved client satisfaction. Understanding concrete as a material and the potential of volumetric mixers allows you to answer your potential customer’s brief more exactly. Your team will ask more relevant questions about the jobs you are quoting for. Customers will notice their knowledge, which will help you stand out from your competitors.
Training your team shows your commitment to quality and continuous improvement. That is another great value to show to prospective and existing customers that will help you win more business.
On-site, trained operators will deliver your customer’s requirements more quickly and efficiently than untrained staff would have done.
Having your own in-house training department is not the best choice for every contractor. But training all your staff to maximize their potential is a fantastic alternative.
Concrete is the world’s most widely used building material with about 80% of American cities and municipalities built on it. Looking around your hometown, it’s obvious to see how different the applications are for concrete. Our point is – with so many different ways to use concrete, your team will need to understand how mixes differ from job to job.
Depending on the complexity of the project and the environmental conditions in which you are working, you need to ensure you choose the best possible mix for the job. Of course, it is possible to work this out by trial and error, but this would be an expensive and time-consuming way of finding a solution. Investing two days in a training course beforehand would give your team the answers that will set you apart from other contractors.
Perhaps your operation is transitioning to volumetric mixers? This is a great time to get your team trained up. In quality training programs like those comprising the ProAll Training Series, industry experts will introduce those who have never used volumetric mixers to the equipment and train them to use it safely and efficiently right from the start.
They will learn about operational safety, volumetric mixing basics, and truck orientation. Our Basic Volumetric Mixer Operator course also contains a thorough introduction to the operation of the Commander Control System and the calibration of the unit. Plus, we cover pre- and post-job checks and simple repairs.
Those with pre-existing knowledge or industry experience will benefit most from the Advanced Volumetric Mixer Operator course. The course picks up where the basic class left off and then builds on those foundations by introducing specialty products as well as more in-depth knowledge about concrete.
One of the most important benefits of volumetric concrete mixers is their easy use on remote sites. You could even say, remote construction projects are when these mobile mixers truly come into their own, allowing you to pour fresh concrete right when it is needed without risking the issues that come with batch plant deliveries.
On the other hand, the further you are from your base, the harder it becomes to call out a qualified volumetric mixer technician if problems arise. Complex construction jobs demand a lot from even the toughest pieces of equipment.
Understanding basic maintenance allows you to troubleshoot on-site. This helps avoid long downtimes and keeps schedules and budgets on track. Concrete Business Solutions’ Basic General Maintenance course is perfect for drivers wanting to learn more about basic volumetric mixer maintenance. This is also an excellent choice for maintenance apprentices or employees from other areas of the business who are looking for greater insight.
For our next-level course requires a basic understanding of mixer operation and takes attendants past the fundamentals. Participants learn more about the diagnostics system and how to properly keep it in ideal condition. They’ll also become familiar with common simple repairs.
Companies specializing in large, remote projects should consider training their staff to the level of Advanced Volumetric Mixer Maintenance. This is also a great course for anyone looking to expand the competencies of their in-house maintenance team. Two more days allow you to understand the rebuilding of mixer components and take an in-depth look at failure modes and their causes.
With staff trained to this level, your operation is ready to bid on remote jobs and complete them confidently.
Taking a professionally run training course allows your team to absorb the knowledge your instructors built up over decades within days. This is possibly the biggest advantage of structured training over the school of hard knocks.
Our expert trainers have distilled their knowledge into two or three days, depending on the course you choose. What you are benefiting from is their combined 70 years of leadership experience and expertise that is unmatched anywhere else in the industry. Our trainers honed their craft within the construction materials industry and have helped concrete businesses across the country train their teams and succeed in demanding environments. We are confident to say that there is nothing they do not know about volumetric concrete mixers and the business opportunities they present.
This does not mean the courses are difficult. The opposite is the case: we have spent a lot of time breaking complex operations down into simple steps and using plain English throughout. These principles also apply to our Concrete Technology & Quality Control training.
Whilst you need a basic understanding of mixer operation to attend our QC courses, we pitch it at a level that makes it perfect for employees who are new to concrete. We understand that not everyone in the industry has “concrete in their blood”, and this class is an excellent way of learning more about materials, mix designs, and calibration and yield of the ProAll mixers.
The course covers testing, placing, and curing of concrete as well as the documents contractors need to submit to architects as part of the project.
For anyone looking to transition into the quality control aspects of the business, this course is the right foundation.
Whilst you can learn a lot and gain plenty of experience in the “school of hard knocks”, taking a structured training course in the operations and maintenance of volumetric concrete mixers simply makes more sense.
In the span of a few days, our well-designed curriculum covers equipment setup and technology as well as operations. Those looking at minimizing on-site downtime can learn to complete repairs and maintenance from simple troubleshooting to component rebuilds.
Your entire operation will benefit from having a team that is more highly qualified and knowledgeable in the operation of their equipment. Customers will notice that your projects are completed on time, with fewer hiccups, and to an even higher standard.
Investing a few days of your team’s time in training courses will set you apart from your competitors and pay dividends in a short space of time. Why wait for the hard knocks when you can benefit from decades of knowledge within a few days?
To find out more about how we can help your business excel, contact us today.